Aquascapes Irrigation

Sprinkler System Winterization


Winterization is important

Sprinkler system winterization is a process that protects your sprinklers from the effects of freezing weather in the winter. Even when your sprinkler system isn’t in operation, some water remains in the pipes, and in the winter, that water can freeze and expand in place, causing major damage to the system. This prevents cracks and other damage to your irrigation system. Our irrigation company can remove all the water from your system to keep it intact even through the coldest winter months.

Depending on the type of system you have, there are several options for draining your system. The most popular option is the blowout method, which pumps air through the pipes to blow out water. It’s critical to wear eye protection while the water sprays out because the air may also push out debris as it clears the water out of the pipes. The blowout method is best left to professionals like Aquascapes Irrigation. There’s also a manual method, which involves opening all the manual valves and allowing the water to drain out of the pipes, backflow, and sprinklers themselves.

Our services will prevent you from needing a complete sprinkler replacement, which is far more expensive than simply investing in winterization.

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